Chenyi Sun

In residence from March 9th, 2022 to June 11th, 2022

1991, from China

Form of Arts:

#Visual Arts

Day 1 (left), Day 2 (right)

"I’m trying the way in free painting, as Picasso said: “Draw like a child”. This free creation process is full of uncertainty and randomness, and this uncertainty brings more wonder and joy to this world. I named my works as Day 1, Day 2 , Day 3… the way like a diary. I seem to be recording my daily routine and what I see and feel. This group of works, Day 1 and Day 2, has been created during the epidemic lockdown in Shanghai. I used this different perspective to observe and examine my emotions and inner changes during this special time." (Sun Chenyi, 2022)

Sun Chenyi @ work

Sun Chenyi @ work Sun Chenyi @ work
Sun Chenyi @ work Sun Chenyi @ work
Sun Chenyi @ work Sun Chenyi @ work