Chiachio & Giannone
In residence from July 4th, 2018 to September 29th, 2018

Form of Arts:
#Visual ArtsCollaborations:
#SwatchAndArtGroup Member:
Online Profiles:
Comrades in Shanghai #1
Chiachio & Giannone @ work
Swatch Art Connections
Swatch Club Watch - Piolin's Time
Swatch Club Watch - Piolin's Time
"We have proposed as a design to make a dialogue with our work (Selva Blanca, hand embroidered with cotton threads 2016) and the brand. We proposed that the watch strap be embroidered because it seemed to us that it could be a challenge for the brand that always works with other materials in the design of their watches. In this case we embroidered the strap and in the case continued the image but printed. The needles were representations of our dogs (Piolin & Chicha) both dachshund dog toy. One black needle the other blue. We also took part of the embroidery where Piolin appears depicted on a wicker throne (peacock chair) this image was the lid of the box/case where the watch was." (Chiachio & Giannone)