Mahesh Singh

In residence from September 7th, 2022 to January 5th, 2023

1985, from India

Form of Arts:

#Visual Arts

At the Edge of Eternity

"The work At the Edge of Eternity emerges from a deeply felt nature of time while staying in Shanghai, specifically in the year 2022, during which a relative passed away back at home in India, my own relationship came to an end, as well, around the same time a two-months of strict Covid-19 lockdown was imposed in Shanghai, which was felt by many. Surrounding all these, I was unable to tend to any of these issues because it was extremely difficult to move out of China due to various travel restrictions. With an awareness of the passage of time the work reflects upon the sense of corporeality, loss and grief." (Mahesh Singh, 2023)

Mahesh Singh on his residency

Mahesh Singh @ work

Mahesh Singh @ work Mahesh Singh @ work
Mahesh Singh @ work Mahesh Singh @ work
Mahesh Singh @ work Mahesh Singh @ work
Mahesh Singh @ work Mahesh Singh @ work
Mahesh Singh @ work Mahesh Singh @ work