In residence from November 20th, 2017 to May 17th, 2018
From Japan
Online Profiles:
Single Cell
Volvox (团藻)
The title of this artwork series changes depending on its installation. One piece: Chlamydomonas (衣滴虫), more than 2 pieces: Shiawase mo (幸福藻), the title of the whole work is Volvox (团藻).
The single elements of the artwork don’t have correct position. And the viewer can change the position and angle - the installation is always changing like a real creature and a natural being.
Pleodorina (杂球藻)
The title of this artwork series changes depending on its installation. One piece: Chlamydomonas (衣滴虫), more than 2 pieces: Shiawase mo (幸福藻), the title of the whole work is Pleodorina (杂球藻).
The single element of the artwork don’t have correct position. And the viewer can change the position and angle - the installation is always changing like a real creature and a natural being.
Ouma @ work
Swatch Art Connections
Ouma - Life Continuous (Exhibition at the N.G. Hayek Center, 2018)
Ouma - Life Continuous (Exhibition at the N.G. Hayek Center, 2018)
Unlike the aesthetic sense of the West, which is aiming at the perfected permanent beauty, there is a Japanese sense of aesthetics that accepts changes such as time passing by and decaying. As a former veterinarian, Ouma has been creating artworks around the main theme “Life” and involved the viewers in the experience. In her artwork “Life Continuous” many single cells (“Lifes”) - the smallest unit of life - sometimes cooperate, sometimes repulse, but still create one collective life together.(Ouma, 2018)
Ouma - Swatch X You
Ouma - Swatch X You