Robin Cerutti

In residence from May 3rd, 2022 to June 30th, 2022

1977, from Canada

Form of Arts:


Introspection - Meeting Myselves

"Introspection comes out of a digital art residency where the artist decided to go back to his home family. He lived and worked for months in the same bedroom he grew up. Facing the memory trick of well know places that gives the feeling to never have left he put himself in a complex situation:  facing both the paradigms of the 20 years younger French engineer as well as the one of the North American self-made artist.


This work made him understand the work that he has been doing for years with a different eye. He realized that the work he is doing in water is in fact photographs that represent his different states of mind. Introspection is thus a series of mindsets from feeling locked to looking for escape. Most of the images were made in the bath of the family house. A bath that was rarely used during our childhood the parents have been long time ecologist. Furthermore, when using flowers, they all come from the garden of the house, sharing some kinds of common roots. 


The chosen trace is part of the all serie and summarizes well the project. It is representative of my stay at Swatch Art Peace Hotel as we had to make it digital and the all work became very deep discussions about our approach to art and our inner self." (Robin Cerutti, 2022)

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